Sun Basket and Fishpeople Celebrate World Oceans Day

When we talk about sustainability, we have to talk about more than just the earth. After all, oceans cover 71% of our planet’s surface. They generate most of the oxygen we breathe and regulate our climate. More than half of all living organisms live under the surface of the oceans—some of which we consider food. Protecting our oceans is essential to our survival. Blue is the new green. 

One of the easiest and most delicious ways you can help the oceans is by making smart choices when buying seafood. That’s why at Sun Basket we only work with fisheries that use sustainable practices compliant with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch’s recommendations, like our salmon producer, Fishpeople

Chef Justine is a big fan of their Wild Yukon River Salmon, sustainably caught by the Yupik People of Western Alaska using only dip nets and gill nets to ensure no other species are harmed during harvest. You can find it in many of our recipes, including this week’s Seared Salmon with Pearl Couscous and Salsa Fresca.

Today, June 8, is World Oceans Day, and Sun Basket and Fishpeople are celebrating by giving you a chance to win big! We’re working with a few of our favorite Instagram stars to host a giveaway. One lucky person will win an all-expenses-paid trip to the Oregon Coast to fish with Fishpeople founder Duncan Berry. Aside from firsthand experience landing your own sustainable catch, you’ll enjoy seaside accommodations and delicious local fare.

Keep an eye on our friends on Instagram to enter to win. 








One entrant from each Instagram account will win a week of Sun Basket. Do we have you on the hook now?