Horoscopes Archives - Sunbasket Mon, 01 Mar 2021 20:57:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Eclipse Season Is Here (and So Is Mercury Retrograde) https://sunbasket.com/blog/sun-signs-july-2019/ Wed, 03 Jul 2019 21:51:59 +0000 https://sunbasket.com/blog/sun-signs-july-2019/ Your summer 2019 horoscope: Sun Basket's July predictions by Lisa Lisa and the Star Jam.

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With a Mercury retrograde and two eclipses, July may be a roller-coaster ride, full of twists and turns, interspersed with some slowdowns and surprises. A total solar eclipse in Cancer on the 2nd sets the stage for a new chapter that has yet to be revealed. Shortly after, speedy planet Mercury takes the scenic route (shifting into reverse from the 7th to the 31st.) Then a partial lunar eclipse on the 16th stirs the emotional pot. To help navigate any potentially gnarly patches this month, take cues from the sign of the Crab. Receding into your private space, tapping into your intuition, and gathering together with friends and especially your family not only helps you feel more secure, it also helps to clarify what’s most important to you. Knowing who you are and where you come from is key to determining where you’re going in the next six months.

By Lisa Lisa and the Star Jam*

CANCER (June 21–July 22) Crabs play a pivotal role in a peak month that’s bound to carve an indelible mark in the sand. Take some time as Mercury goes retrograde to focus on the patterns that formed your early bonds. There’s wisdom to be gleaned there that could also help you to mourn important losses and lay the groundwork for improved ways of relating. In such matters, the Crab’s reliable intuition is your best guide. Insiders tip: Starting a regular ancestral practice is a wise way to honor loved ones and invite their guidance. Reframing photos of your parents, grandparents, even old paramors and arranging them salon style is a great metaphor for positioning the steppingstones to your next shore. By month’s end, you’ll be ready to write down a new plan to finance your journey. 

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22) Lions will feel compelled to seek out the shady spots as we head into the lazy days of summer. We can already hear you purring at the idea of lounging about, but not so fast; the cosmic shake-ups are calling all cats to retreat to their psychic inner sanctums, where they can gather intel from their untapped unconscious. As the temperatures rise, remain centered and calm, particularly as circumstances reshuffle at work or in your daily routine. The ground could shift a bit, so hone that keen ability of yours to keep one eye open whilst sleeping as it’s likely to come in handy this month. At the very least, conserve your energy for the whole new jungle that will reveal itself next month.  

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22) Scroll through your contacts and reach out to any former colleagues who might help you connect with important organizations. It’s all about your network this month; you’ll nurture the future you’ve been imagining by shaking the big trees of past connections. During the first two weeks of July, recording your dreams and tapping esoteric sources provides juicy insights, allowing a new foundation to help tap your creativity. Let your more eccentric side call the shots, and notice how your sense of joy resurfaces. When was the last time, dear Virgo, you let your hair down and just had some good ol’ fun? Maybe it’s time to host a high-days-of-summer party. One thing is for sure, it’s certainly not time to go it alone. Connecting with your tribe will be fruitful and revitalizing for you this month. 

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22) Reaching the top by any means necessary is not only ruthless, but it also lacks the grace and social awareness that distinguishes Libras as the valued diplomats of the zodiac. This month, if you can humbly honor where you came from by laying flowers at the graves of relatives and loved ones or even go visiting your great-aunt, you’ll start to earn the respect and recognition you’ve been craving; you’re securing your stripes as an ambassador of the greater good, one relationship at a time. And if there is an area where you must be unyielding, perhaps your associations and social clubs could stand a deep reviewing. Whatever doesn’t serve the collective good can get expunged from your calendar now.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21) While some of you may say that you’re taking the summer off to retool your career, it’s the big questions, which form the base of your belief system, that are up for renewal. With a solar eclipse in your house of philosophy, your next move is dependent on a new world view, one that is stripped down and closer to your essential nature. This month’s shakeup around long-held truths is an opportunity to realign your purpose with your deepest passion. Letting go of an old belief that has run its course can help to clear the way for a simple, yet profound message that will help guide your community for years to come.  

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22–Dec. 21) Your legendary big-picture view narrows to take in more intimate pastures this month. Don’t let the “I” word make you skittish; you’ve tackled tougher terrain. As the Gods tilt the heavens to obscure the sun in early July, Archers take aim at shifting their trust issues in order to discover new depths of intimacy. Unearthing family secrets around money and examining how they inform your self-worth can open doors to healing both personal and collective wounds. As you wrestle with inconvenient truths about yourself and what your ancestors have wrought, you make inroads in restoring not just your own humanity but a profound understanding of what it means to be human.  

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19) So often Goats express their love by taking care of business and tending to their loved ones’ material needs. Perhaps it’s time to scrap the duty-first stance and build a softer way of caring and relating, one that’s based on a foundation of self-compassion. As your old scaffolding comes down, you open up to the kinder, gentler ways of holding space for partners and co-workers. With a lunar eclipse in your sign on the 16th, lonely Goats everywhere stand ready to leave the isolation of the trail behind and lighten years of heavy lifting by redistributing the contents of the backpack with everyone else. You’ll find that the rest of us are glad to carry our share. 

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18) While your thoughts at the start of July may have you wondering about why your last few partnerships went the way of the dodo, we suggest you direct your focus toward less complicated matters, like your daily regimen. You know the Zen koan “Chop wood, carry water”? Make this your mantra for the next 31 days. Ask yourself every day upon waking what this saying means to you and note how your answer shifts and changes. There are deep rumblings in your unconscious that you water-bearers sometimes shy away from; the time is ripe for you to expand your consciousness by looking inward. Please consider this advice, we are all counting on you to lead the way into the propitious future. 

PISCES (Feb. 19–March 20) Now that you’ve finished culling your team, you’re swimming with a streamlined school, and your creativity can finally flourish. You’ve started to create for your own satisfaction, and lo and behold, you’ve found a brand-new audience that’s excited to watch your genius unfold. As you revel in the joy of making, your attachment to your creations loosens and you let go of old inhibitions and expectations. If there’s any lingering hesitation, we recommend gelsemium, a homeopathic remedy known to calm stage fright; we prescribe it now to support you in showing up with your best self for your next brilliant act.  

ARIES (March 21–April 19) Whether you’re hammering out a DIY renovation project, putting your house on the market, or spending time with an aging grandparent, home is where the heart is for Rams this month. We encourage you to go deeper than usual; now is the time to honor legacies of sacrifice alongside dedicated cohorts. In the process of laying a wreath you just might find a release from something that’s been holding you back careerwise. Meanwhile, look for a pleasant surprise, perhaps a pay bump or other boost to finances this month. At the end of the month, you’re ready to rock your creative juices or forge a new romance.   

Taurus (April 20–May 20) Bulls everywhere are busy planning Fourth of July celebrations, calling all neighbors and friends to grab their lawn chairs and gather on the parade route. Consider this shindig as the first in a season of sweet summer fun, as you plan road trips, connect with college friends, and renew relations at the annual family reunion. All this catching up with loved ones and kibitzing over the picnic table reminds you of the value in slowing down to relish the simple pleasures. It also gets you ruminating on your personal philosophy. What beliefs need an overhaul? At the end of the month, you’re energized enough to smarten up your home with a few new treasures collected along the way.     

GEMINI (May 21–June 20) Maybe you Twins really did come up with a genius idea last month that can help you build your nest egg. Even if you haven’t yet hatched a clear plan, key in to your money situation this month. Keep the brainstorm rolling and team up with neighbors or siblings to knock out the details, draw up blueprints, and make prototypes. This is your happy place—the idea phase. Dream big! While the midmonth lunar eclipse could cause a temblor around shared resources, your tax extension, or a sexy rendezvous, don’t despair. Get back in the car for another round of summer explorations with your besties and be open to other ideas that might pop up.       

If you know your rising sign, read that too; it’s often more relevant. 

*Lisa Awrey and Lisa Carroll

illustration by @boccaccinimeadows


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Eclipse Season is Coming https://sunbasket.com/blog/sun-signs-june-2019/ Wed, 29 May 2019 19:58:58 +0000 https://sunbasket.com/blog/sun-signs-june-2019/ Sun Basket's monthly horoscope by Lisa Lisa and the Star Jam - a relatively peaceful if busy month, June 2019 offers great opportunities

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A relatively peaceful if busy month, multiplex Gemini energy offers a great opportunity to get the details checked off the to-do lists, especially in the early days of the month. Use a light touch, sample the terrain, gather intel but don’t linger too long in any given spot. With eclipse season beginning next month, a storm is brewing, a topsy turvy time that often brings big shifts. Staying grounded while you flutter and bounce is the secret sauce to navigating the coming weeks. Now’s a good time to practice doing the things that best help you bend like grass in a strong wind. 

By Lisa Lisa and the Star Jam*

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Happy birthday, Twins. As you celebrate your official new year, mind aligns with heart, and the floodlights beam onto your relationships. As you relate to yourself in an enlightened new way, you’ll come to find greater support and authentic relating with others. Meanwhile, an artfully choreographed exchange may keep you on the move. Geminis love a good road trip. Set off into the wild blue yonder with good friends. Who knows, you could end up meeting a new love at a rest stop somewhere. All this movement kicks up the dust with an easy, breezy money-making idea involving one of your many latent talents. Give it a go. It just might put extra dollars in your pocket. Or maybe you filed for an extension and now it’s time to tune into your taxes. Either way, a career dream comes down to earth.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) Retreat while you can, as energy ramps up for Crabs come next month. This month’s really an inside job. As you tune into your internal workings and get into the habit of setting aside regular quiet time, you find your energy increases and you can accomplish a lot out there. Keeping a journal, recording your daily thoughts and activities propels a reconfiguring of your overall routine. As you reshuffle your work schedule, be sure to include a mix of HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts into your exercise regimen to keep your moods on an even keel while building strength. All of this takes the pressure off of your relationships, allowing any rough patches to smooth over. 

LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Have you been feeling an undefinable vexation burbling just behind the shadows? Do you know about primal scream therapy? Or simply take your frustrations to the nearest jungle and let out a roar. Rooting around in the outer reaches of your unconscious and letting off steam clears away the deadwood, allowing you to weather any storms that could hit during July’s eclipses. In between the catharses, ever complex as we all are, you’re itching to get out there and make new friends. Finding your proper pride of like-minded cats is paramount this month. Mingling with genuine congenial genius types feeds your creative side, like catnip for even the most timid felines. As you relax and have more fun (we encourage dancing, lots of dancing), you find your audience eating out of your hand. As Mercury goes into Leo, you’ll feel the impetus to report out at the end of the month. We’re all ears.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22) All the work you’ve been putting in has finally paid off in the form of a new position in the public eye or a career opportunity. As you settle into your new role, you find things may be shifting on the homefront, as well. Along with repainting the living room, you may be landing new digs, adapting to moving in with relatives or listing a spare room on Airbnb. Meanwhile, you’re motivated to connect in more heartfelt ways, i.e. finding your vestal tribe. At the end of the month, bring your discerning skills to the fore and dig deep into the esoteric realm of your choosing. The intel gained this month will come into play in July, informing another chapter in your work and home life.  

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22) You have travel on the brain. Maybe you’re returning home from a distant land or embarking on a summer abroad. Whether you’re coming or going, Libra, you’re ripe for a rewarding cultural exchange. If you decide to stay put, think about signing up for a course at the local community college or expanding your international business connections. In any case, now is the time to take what you’ve learned this year, update your core beliefs, and unify your big ideas. Speak your truth, edit your memoir, and get your message out there. 

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21) Things heat up for Scorpios this month. As temperatures rise, consider releasing some of that intensity between the sheets or on the therapist’s couch, and you’ll tap into this month’s potential for deep healing. This deep cleansing clears some space for a new business opportunity, an angel investor, or a tax refund to pour in. Meanwhile, summer is coming, and many Scorpios will be planning or taking trips to parts unknown. A change of scene or delving into a new subject not only expands your range of view, but it also sets the stage for a fresh look at your financials. The time is ripe to commit to a new business plan.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21) With a new moon landing in your relationship house, you may find a match that’s truly a meeting of the minds. Yes, we’re talking soulmate territory, if you believe in that sort of thing (of course you do). And for the already committed archers, you may find as-yet-untried angles to breathe new life into your partnership. With things going smoothly in your relationships, it’s easy for you to take aim at sorting through your shared finances and managing your resources. You’ve been hard at work in these areas, so keep your cool if things heat up concerning inheritances. 

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) This month the celestial omens nudge you to devise fresh ways to balance body, mind, and spirit. Your physical and mental health depends on it. Mountain goats are adept at relentless toil, selfless restriction, and utter denial of their own bodily needs. But with big changes ahead, wise goats would do well to proactively focus all their care toward their physical bodies and tend to their creature comforts to ensure they can continue to go the distance. All things sensual are also part of this month’s focus; goats are keen on a lover’s touch, more so than usual for this reserved sign. You get the picture, pillow talk is the name of the game. 

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18) Now that you’ve moved or rearranged your digs, it’s time to tidy up, get organized, and smudge the heck out of that new place. After all that effort, you deserve some downtime. Settle in and invite your friends over. After polishing off the cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, step out and take in the latest art exhibition or avant-garde theater. Tapping into creative spaces delights your genius and introduces you to uncharted communities that can inspire your vision. Now’s a good time to get going on your Couch-to-5K goal, too. 

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20) While your mind is most productive at home or your home studio, your heartstrings may draw you into romantic intrigue. Don’t do it. This may not be the best time to get involved. Your star is really rising now, so best to keep the faith on career, where your globetrotting connections have translated your name into a worldwide brand. Well done. You’re seeing the results of your visionary power and feeling your executive influence. The sky’s no longer the limit for flying fishes. The universe is more like it. 

ARIES (Mar 21-April 19) June gets the warrior sign out and about in the neighborhood. Maybe you’ll strike up an engaging conversation with some new neighbors. Or maybe you’ll feel compelled to teach or give a talk about an area of your expertise. Our notebooks are in hand. Either way, those ruled by the ram are riding the information highway for the next four weeks. Meanwhile, power struggles may teeter-totter between the job and the homefront; this back and forth begs you to let go of outworn achievement strategies, beckoning you towards a more elegant, pared-down version of success.   

Taurus (April 20- May 20) Your mind is on the money. You’re dreaming up new ideas on how to increase your paycheck. Meanwhile, you’re investigating possible investment schemes. It could be a good time to take a class somewhere outside your usual subjects and stomping grounds. As you accrue new knowledge from fresh sources, you widen your world view and—in turn—boost your self-esteem, which could have a positive effect on building up your bank account.          

If you know your rising sign, read that, too; it’s often relevant. 

*Lisa Awrey and Lisa Carroll

illustration by @boccaccinimeadows

The post Eclipse Season is Coming appeared first on Sunbasket.

A Back Up of Planets in the Sign of the Bull Helps Us Stand Our Ground https://sunbasket.com/blog/sun-signs-may-2019/ Tue, 30 Apr 2019 22:24:00 +0000 https://sunbasket.com/blog/sun-signs-may-2019/ Your May 2019 horoscope: Sun Basket's spring predictions by Lisa Lisa and the Star Jam.

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Before you drift away in daydreams about the endless summer you’re planning, come back to earth and focus on building your gardens, literally and figuratively. A line up of planets in earthy sign Taurus this month steers us towards grounding activities, tending to sentient matters and Mother Earth. It behooves everybody to make like Ferdinand and relax in the fields and enjoy the flowers. 

By Lisa Lisa and the Star Jam*

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Earthy bulls are supported this month in speaking their more radical insights to the masses. Certainly an unusual position for one of the more staid signs, yet it behooves you to pay attention to every insight and bolt of inspiration as it could have a positive influence on the world around you. The world wants to hear from you. Just when you start feeling comfy, new opportunities come your way, which help you develop new, as yet unearthed talents. You might lead a class of elementary school kids on a nature walk or help them plant a schoolyard garden, and introduce the next generation to the beauty and intelligence of the natural world.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Silence is golden for the typically chatty Twins this month. You may find that there’s more than one monkey wreaking havoc in your mind. We suggest dedicating yourself to a daily meditation practice to tame the mental madness. If social situations have you seeing red, make a habit of holding your tongue and get your feet moving, preferably away from your object of ire. Like Elvis crooned, “Come on, baby, I’m tired of talking, Grab your coat and let’s start walking.” Mac Davis and Billy Strange must have had a Gemini in mind when they penned that song. It’s time to peer into the deeper recesses not necessarily for the unearthing of new inspiration but more to finalize and move on from some of the harder truths that you’ve been examining for a while now. Don’t give up. The vein of gold you’re on is a deep one, re-grooving healthier synapses. You’re almost there!

CANCER (June 21-July 22) Scrawl all your pent up feelings on paper, stuff your private lament into a bottle and hurl that sucker into the nearest ocean. Now that you have become emotionally unburdened, you’re free to fully embrace the outer-reaches of your social network, perhaps finding new friends, or joining that organization you’ve been too shy to approach. By sidling up to a fresh circle, you discover new shores on which to shine. Maybe you’ll be nurturing homeless kids’ creativity, mentoring teens, or hooking up with an expectant mothers group. Whatever it is, you’ll feel more strongly connected and effective in contributing to community building. This could all lead toward buoying your own creative project. Oh, and what of that tossed bottle holding your innermost thoughts? Allow yourself to imagine it’s arrival on a distant shore to be read by just the right soul in need of a little understanding. Reciprocal healing.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22) With a spectacular pride of planets at the top of your chart, aka your career, you’re ripe for hunting in a new direction professionally. Being out there, being seen (no problem for Leos) increases your chances of seizing opportunities. The agent of this shift is your social network, flinging open cage doors as you join forces with friends and co-create with others. All the while, a light touch, your good humor, and playfulness really ease the path to progress. Later in the month, Lions find a sweet solace away from the limelight. We recommend that you head for the hills. Before you get back down to business you’ll need an emotional release from all the buzz around your career; so go ahead and let out a primal roar deep in the forest. You’ll come back to work minus the weight of the world. 

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22) Virgins rev your engines on work projects this month; emphasis on the plural intended. Counterintuitively, an essential part of staying grounded and focused will be to incorporate learning something new or traveling to a place you’ve not been before. You get the picture, it’s about expanding your worldview. Maybe book a ticket to an unusual sacred site, like the underground salt cathedral near Bogota, Columbia where your perspective and understanding of your place in the world expands. The second part of the month you’re keen to nurture your network, perhaps leading an alumni group and their families on a pilgrimage to survey the damage at Notre Dame. Witnessing the ashes, you see the potential of rebuilding Our Lady as a metaphor for restoring the divine feminine. A major Virgin objective.   

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22) Sharing resources come naturally to the sign of partnership. And this month puts that proclivity into high-relief. Now is the time to pool resources, attract capital from unexpected sources, or invest in futures that benefit the Earth. Meanwhile, you’re motivated to travel and likely to more than one place this month. Writing will help you to integrate all the learning that comes from widening your horizons and deepening your worldview. Later in the month, you find renewed energy in your professional life; you’ll discover a proper balance between pushing toward career goals and nurturing the domestic sphere. Finances may need a bit of sorting. Just keep in mind your true worth.  

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21) Scorpio’s legendary intensity focuses on the comfort within their close and private relationships this month. Singles may start anew while those already attached may reignite an existing commitment. Regardless, it’s your laser focus lighting up your one-on-ones. You find yourself craving conversation and ideas around relating and dare we say, the earthly pleasures and physicality of intimacy. Scorpios will also be inclined to both talks about and engage in sensual healing modalities such as mud baths or relaxing on grass mats in the Himalayan salt room at your favorite spa. Later in the month, your passions may turn toward travel. Dip into your savings reserves, there’s enough, and take a trip with family members or better yet, sweep your Mom off to Europe for Mother’s Day. 

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21) Archers are wise to take aim at their health this month. Including nutritious foods and regular exercise (or both!) in your daily routine increases your vitality and curbs a tendency to indulge a sweet tooth. Maybe you’ll get a new pet that requires regular walks which will help to ground the centaurs roaming inclinations. You’ll likely have a lot to say around all things climate change, the difference this month being an added extra chutzpah to bring your beliefs into action, perhaps starting a progressive group bent on shifting local politics. Meanwhile, relationships are cooking in the background; you’re keen on communicating with, relating to and spending more time with your partner which, leads to greater intimacy and yes, more sex.    

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) Flinty goats are loosening up and finding their goofy side this month. Whether it’s taking a break to crank it up and croon along with power ballads in the office, or unleashing your wild side by brandishing slogans on your t-shirt the likes of no bleeps given, allowing your creativity more free reign will bring the unflappable work ethic of goats down to earth, ultimately making you more fun to be around. A bit of that newfound lighter touch spills over into your everyday routine, where you’re freshly motivated to learn more about healthy habits and practices you can incorporate into your workday. Later in the month, inspired by your own dedication, amp up your efforts and get your partner or family members to exercise, kickstarting a buddy system that helps all of you to sustain healthy habits. 

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18) The ground beneath you Aquarians is shifting; bringing revelations and revolutions around the domestic front. Reconfiguring your domestic situation or shaking up the family structure is front and center this month. While some of you have already moved (this has been going on for some time now), others are searching Craigslist for new digs or simply hitting the road. Once the chaos settles and you find the necessary security in a home base along with a green patch to tend, you water bearers can begin again to nurture your uniqueness and hoist high your out-there antenna. Career-wise, you’ve bumped up your salary and you’re likely in smooth-sailing waters as your job seems to take care of itself these days. With the homefront and job settled, the end of the month brings about a motivational shift toward focusing on creative projects. 

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20) Some fish may be laid up or taking more WFH (work-from-home) days this month. Your currents turn to DIY projects or simply jumping on calls from the home office. Instigating new ways to communicate makes time at the office more efficient, leaving you more opportunity to clarify your vision. Despite some heavy shifts in your social circle, you feel the upside to upheaval, ease from shedding ties to outworn affiliations. Ever the superstar at work, now you’re consciously working on sounding like one. Later in the month, you feel the urge to have fun with your family, taking off to parts unknown. Your creative juices are flowing. It’s all about play.  

ARIES (Mar 21-April 19) Fueled by the momentum that began during your birthday month, you’re fired up around what you’ve learned from all that listening we suggested you do, and now you’ve got a message for us. Speak up. At the same time, the discussion turns to financial matters as a pile-up of planets crowds your money house. While the ride could be a bit bumpy, hold your ground, sudden changes could bring about a bounty. Some rams may consider self-employment while others starting a side hustle. Keep the faith. A new beginning around livelihood is at hand. One thing is for sure, your old ways of working need a heave-ho to the curb. It can be hard to let go but let go you must. And there is no sign braver than you.                      

If you know your rising sign, read that, too; it’s often relevant. 

*Lisa Awrey and Lisa Carroll

illustration by @boccaccinimeadows

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Spring Has Sprung; We’re Ready for Action but Not in a Rush https://sunbasket.com/blog/sun-signs-april-2019/ Wed, 03 Apr 2019 00:46:01 +0000 https://sunbasket.com/blog/sun-signs-april-2019/ Sun Signs: your spring horoscope for April 2019 by Lisa Lisa and the Star Jam

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As trickster Mercury moves forward he passes the retrograde baton to lucky Jupiter on the 10th, with Pluto and Saturn following suit at the end of the month. Over the next four to five months, all three of these planets will slow things down, asking us to reconsider the progress we’ve made so far this year. So, while some folks may have the Springtime urge to lunge ahead and start something new, things won’t really get moving until after the 17th. Listen closely, and pay deep attention so you can move forward with intention when the light turns green. It’s the tortoise, not the Easter Bunny, who wins the race this month.

Balancing relationships is where you’ll get the most bang for your buck this month. As the new and full moons in Aries and Libra highlight the tension between self and others, consideration of the way we interact gives way to richer, more meaningful progress.

By Lisa Lisa and the Star Jam*

ARIES (Mar 21-April 19) Those born during the sign of the warrior have a reputation for knowing what they know and not really caring about what they don’t; actions speak louder than words in the Rams’ playbook. Yet, this month you’ll not only do best to step back and listen to others, but also to take notes. It’s natural to want to spring into action during your birth month, just wait until you’ve collected enough data, come up with a contingency plan, and tested your theorem. Then after the 17th, shake off any inertia, step into the present without fanfare, and watch the doors swing open. We know such impediments inhibit you action-minded signs, but it looks like your most important work this month is downtime, with the intention of checking in with your deepest self before you hit the trail. 

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) While spring may conjure images of bulls strutting their stuff in front of the herd, the grass is greener on the metaphysical side of the fence. Dust off that yoga mat for a revamp on your daily practice and feed your brain with positive thoughts. It’s laughter and mirth that’s most likely to revitalize your body and soul throughout April. Should any issues crop up around money, you may need to reign in your investments. This is not a time to overspend or indulge in retail therapy; keep the credit card in the safe. Toward the end of the month, you may feel the urge to break free of all the shoulds. Go for it! Let yourself blossom into your fully unique you.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) With energy to burn, you’re stoked and ready to go. The time is ripe to get physical, but don’t go it alone. Tap your new best friend for the latest marathon, triathlon, or tough mudder. Whatever the event, it’s bound to be fun and just the beginning of a season of high-intensity athletics, if you so choose. This is all good news, as getting involved in fresh challenges will help you to forge a new social circle of like-minded, high-energy folks. Further shake off the winter blues by hitting the road with a good friend or two. Adventure is calling, and the full moon on the 20th will have you blazing new trails. You’ve been delving some unusual depths for a while, Twins, and one way to recharge is to let loose and enjoy yourself. 

CANCER (June 21-July 22) It’s time to release the mental detritus through journaling your heart out along with any form of spiritual exercise. Whether it’s shraddha yoga (funeral yoga), qi gong, or any one of the hundreds of options out there these days, just plug into one for that emotional heave-ho. Once you do, you’ll see some refreshing shake-ups in your career as well as space clearing around your homefront. Maybe you’ll be replacing the void with more exciting ideas, like trip-planning or publishing a novella. Toward the end of the month, the cosmic omens favor getting outside your comfort zone and connecting with folks beyond your usual cast. Come out, come out, wherever you are, Crabs. The rest of the ocean wants to meet you.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Lions will be plugged into their pride this month, getting energetic support from their social circles, hosting community meetings or a full-on regal banquet. Once you’ve completed the circle of reciprocity within your coterie, you may head off on a journey of the mind, exploring something rather esoteric on the continuing ed menu, or a buried gem in your psyche via dream analysis. For the roaming cats, you may find yourself yearning to hop on a plane to a faraway land. Either way, you’re looking for something deeper and more intimate this month. Mellow kitties on the quest for greater meaning may employ creativity or rediscover play on the path to enhanced self-expression. 

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22) Hardworking Virgos are motivated now more than ever to step on the gas in their career trajectory, with your energy best spent in projects where you are the boss or going solo. Meanwhile, major developments around shared finances and investments nudge you to start a financial plan or open joint savings. Now’s the time to file your taxes, as you may get a big refund. New insights into your partner (and yourself) pave the way to greater trust and deeper intimacy, as you’re willing to share more of yourself and your resources. Your sharper edges soften, this month; and a kinder, gentler side emerges which makes you just plain fun to be around. For single Virgos, this sweetening attracts potential partners. Later in the month, your earning power could pick up. And don’t be surprised if you suddenly find yourself flying off to Bali for a seminar or Earth Day project.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22) Who said you can’t write a book in two weeks? This month, you can. Or if you’ve already penned your memoir, you might travel to promote it. If publishing isn’t your jam, you may find teaching, learning, or sharing what you’re passionate about brings deeper meaning into your life now. On the relationship front, a new perspective around partnership shifts how you relate one on one. Your mirroring neurons are fired up. Instead of monkey see, monkey do, it’s more like monkey see, monkey feel. And as you refine your social intelligence, you become a more empathetic and responsive partner. For unattached Librans, romance is in the air. Later in the month, look for an unexpected windfall, perhaps in the form of a sizeable tax refund.

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21) This month Scorpios’ intense drive is directed at exploring the deep mysteries. As you plumb the hidden meanings behind life and death, you’re better able to make sense of your existence. At the same time, you’re called to do some soul searching around the sensitive realms of finances and worthiness. Familial patterns, especially around money and security, get stirred up and you can do some good healing work this month. In reassessing your values, you take a more realistic look at your earning power, what you do to make a living and how it aligns with your beliefs. Meanwhile, a new approach to balancing your body, mind, and spirit helps you connect the dots between your mental and physical health for optimum functioning.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21) Centaurs, you’re fired up around relating one-to-one and rearing to speak your mind. Just beware of how you share your truths, as your usual directness may take on a sharp tone this month. On the other hand, your frankness could be just what’s needed where a new romance is concerned. Your softer side comes out in the comfort of your home as you cozy up with family and focus on beautifying your space. As your ruling planet, Jupiter, turns retrograde on the 10th, it may be time to take a breather and recoup your energy. As you slow the pace and turn inward, your creativity takes off.  

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) As you forge ahead at work, the full moon in Libra on the 19th lights up your career house, shining a light on work/life balance. Putting energy into your home, picking out paint colors, rearranging the furniture, or relocating helps create the peaceful refuge you need. Your source of energy and will come from your daily exercise routine, so if you don’t have one yet—or dropped it a week or two after New Years—now is the time to kick into gear. While you’re at it, pay a visit to the dentist. Later in the month, kick up your hooves, sing karaoke; give us a kiss, you old goat. 

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18) With so much cosmic energy focused this month on the give-and-take in relationships, don’t misread the signs and deny who you are just to keep the peace. As you well know, remaining true to yourself makes your connections more meaningful. Focusing on your passions keeps you motivated and fuels everything you do. Is the time you spend working to eke out a living truly worth it? A new social media project has the potential to open up more tangible income. Many water-bearers will find themselves busy clearing out the clutter and getting organized or maybe leaving it all behind with a sudden move, setting forth into a whole new world of freedom. Van life may be calling.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20) The time is ripe for Pisces to share their visionary ideas as Mercury, planet of communication, moves forward in your sign, supporting you to articulate what is typically ambiguous. Whatever has been churning in your mind during the retrograde is ready for primetime. All the while, many fish will feel motivated to redo their inner sanctum, dusting off the shelves of the past, adding to their libraries, and organizing their family photos into albums. Don’t forget to make a new commitment to yourself around money matters. A new-moon ritual with a focus on financial prosperity could spawn a fresh stream of income.            

If you know your rising sign, read that, too; it’s often relevant. 

*Lisa Awrey and Lisa Carroll

illustration by @boccaccinimeadows

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Mercury turns retrograde in a fog of March Madness https://sunbasket.com/blog/sun-signs-march-2019/ Wed, 06 Mar 2019 01:17:52 +0000 https://sunbasket.com/blog/sun-signs-march-2019/ Your horoscope for March 2019 from Sun Basket astrology team, Lisa Lisa and the Star Jam.

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As Mercury, the planet of movement and communication flips into reverse in the sign of the fish (the 5th through the 28th) and Uranus, planet of radical change, switches from Aries to Taurus (where it will be for the next seven years), look for unexpected, poetic shifts. Change and spring are in the air, but we need to surrender before we can move forward into the new reality we’re envisioning. In this sometimes foggy landscape, complicated by dreamy Neptune’s confusing effect on Mercury (aka: the mind) this month, tune in to your intuition, attend to your spiritual life, and settle into some much needed space-out time.  

By Lisa Lisa and the Star Jam*

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20) Those ruled by the sign of the fish will do best floating in the still clear pools, behind the rocks, and beneath the logs. While this image may come as a relief to some, it can be a challenge not to engage in the effort of swimming against the current, to surrender to a state of not doing. Yet, withdrawing into your unconscious mind in the coming weeks will help clear away the sediment. For some it’s a time to heed the call of a silent retreat while others might opt for the Japanese art of forest-bathing, called shinrin-yoku, to replenish your spirit in nature. Or why not take up a nightly foot-soaking practice (the sign of Pisces rules the feet), treating your feet to a bath filled with herbs and rose petals, where you can slough off the scales of the past. 

ARIES (Mar 21-April 19) Rams, you’re looking to reinvent your livelihood this month. Sudden disruptions in your job can prompt a fruitful reassessment of your values and considerations of what you’re truly worth. How can you innovate the monthly income stream and not rely solely on a salary? Or a boss for that matter. You may not want to hear this, but it’s time for action-oriented rams to unplug and retreat via meditation, dreamwork, or other private escapes. If you can manage to step back from the fray, you may find some forward movement in your work once March is in the rearview mirror. 

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Bulls embark on a new seven-year cycle this month, changing up well-worn desire paths; you’re at the beginning of a retrofit that will result in a whole new you by the mid-2020s. Exciting! Maybe as you review and shake up your standard stock, adding new blood to the herd you run with, you’ll find fresh approaches to living that you’ve never considered before. Just beware of those who might present as sparkly, because they can turn out to be anything but, just beneath the surface. You’re aiming for a deeper, more committed herd long term than the burn-out-fast shooting stars. 

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Put your career on cruise control and extend your psychic antennae instead for an infusion of fresh intel through anomalous experiences. Tune in to what could prove to be a rather active dream life in the coming weeks. As you break new ground in the spiritual realm, remember that retreating into solitude (not isolation) is truly what will crack your mind open. Allow space for absorbing new vibrations of the wild and wacky sort. Consider what inventor Nicolas Tesla once said, “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” Just be savvy about the psychic channels you choose to tune in to. 

CANCER (June 21-July 22) While cozying up at home this month, lose yourself to leafing through summer travel guides, all the while reviewing your ideas about cross-cultural relations. As you exchange your views for a more inspired belief system, you may notice a shift in your social circle that invites more unusual creatures with which to forge your future path. Maybe it’s time to say goodbye to social media and crawl back out into the 3-D world. 

LEO (July 23-Aug 22) While there could be some unsettling news at work this month, don’t let the boss (or any bossy-pants) distract you from the more pertinent activities of revising your resources and delving into the depths of your intimate affairs. Yes, you are still and always will be king (or queen) of the jungle, yet this month takes you into areas where your authority reigns over more esoteric and unusual things. Go with it while staying out of the limelight. Ultimately this process will bring you to greater authenticity in your public sphere. Power for you lies behind the throne this month. A word of caution: keep an eye on any joint finances; you don’t want your partner dipping into your checking without telling you. 

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22) Look into your interpersonal style this month and reexamine all manner of relating in your committed partnerships, both business and personal. What’s working and what isn’t? Take the Mercury retrograde time to discern what (or who) might be past its due date before moving forward. Meanwhile, your well-oiled systems of knowledge are due for some mindblowing twists. Like an exchange student, you’re setting out on a new leg of your educational journey, one where you’re destined to learn a lot from those whose ideas or culture differ from yours. These exciting folks help you flip your worldview upside down then—poof—they’re gone, leaving you with the makings of a fresh philosophy. 

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22) It’s time to review and reorganize your work habits and exercise routines to better serve you so that you can better serve others. Get down to the nitty-gritty and leave the idealized version in the dust. You’ll also need to lend your attention to some possible instability around your shared accounts or property. While there could be sudden shifts, they will be momentary so worry not; the shake-up could unearth previously unseen resources. By the end of the month, recommit to yourself. 

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21) A trembler in your partnership (business or personal) house could be just the thing to shake off outworn habits that no longer work for you, freeing the relationship up for deeper growth. More than a seven-year itch twinge, take the time this month to review/revise what’s important to you around romance, play, and fun. The time is ripe for implanting a new creative pleasure-seeking device in your black and white experience that could open the doors to a technicolor surround-sound sensation. The end of the month could bring a focus on looking deep into your subconscious that will provide closure or healing.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21) Archers would do well to take aim at their health and habits this month. You may be thinking about going vegan or trying out a new approach to nutrition. Avoid fad diets, but experimenting with a plan that you can sustain over time is a good place to start. A sudden change on the job, among coworkers or in the circumstances of your employment, could bring you more independence at work—music to your ears. There’s also a higher possibility for accidents, so stay extra attentive on the job this month. Great at seeing the big picture, but not so much at organizing your time, embracing new technologies or calendar apps can take care of the details, leaving you with much-needed relaxation and time at home with your family.   

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) Sea goats are bound to have some surprises involving romance, fun, and your creative potential. Maybe even an unexpected pregnancy! Who knows where it will lead but it could be a fertile shake-up that sets a new stage in your career. Try to remain open to it. Meanwhile, your time is well spent rethinking important communications amongst your siblings and neighbors. Delving into old patterns learned in grammar school could be just what you need to come up with fresh ways of expressing yourself. 

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18) The water-bearers need to put the priority on scrutinizing their income and material possessions. A tedious job for this eccentric bunch, yet you will be wiser for it in the long run. All the while, expect the unexpected on the homefront. Sudden commotion could have deeper implications foundationally. You could pull up stakes and move to an unusual place or living situation. Wherever you land, ultimately you stand to be liberated from any inauthenticity, free to live your life with your values and philosophies aligned.

If you know your rising sign, read that too; it’s often relevant. 

*Lisa Awrey and Lisa Carroll

illustration by @boccaccinimeadows

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It’s the Year of the Golden Pig https://sunbasket.com/blog/year-of-the-golden-pig/ Wed, 06 Feb 2019 19:46:55 +0000 https://sunbasket.com/blog/year-of-the-golden-pig/ In honor of the lunar new year (which started on February 5th), we’re switching up astrological traditions from the Western to the Chinese—2019 is the Year of the Golden Pig.

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In honor of the lunar new year (which started on February 5th), we’re switching up astrological traditions from the Western to the Chinese, which uses animals instead of astrological signs. According to the Chinese zodiac, 2019 is the Year of the Golden Pig. As a rule, matching your energy and timing with the energy available during a particular animal year brings the greatest advantages, regardless of your sign. For example, Pigs are kind and gentle; they move more slowly and phrases such as “go with the flow” work very well in a Pig year. And because it is an earth or yin year, it’s best to tend to all things corporeal. Pay a visit to your doctor and dentist. A little indulgence to celebrate and enjoy life is favored. All-nighters in Vegas are not. 

Look for your animal sign (determined by the year you were born) below for a glance at your fortune in the Year of the Golden Pig. 

By Lisa Lisa and the Star Jam*

RAT (1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008) Oh noble, clever and industrious rodent, you will enjoy this year if you focus on tying up loose ends, decluttering your nest, and building a solid business plan. No scurrying ahead just yet; save that for your year, which follows Pig year. As you build toward that exciting year next year, be sure to nourish yourself with only the best foods in keeping with your Queenly and Kingly nature. Avoid the garbage can. 

OX (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009) Your infamous dedication and determination come in handy this year. Endeavors already begun continue to bear fruit. Keep the momentum going. Your steady-as-you-go attitude will give you the foundation and confidence to turn exciting opportunities into realities. Rest during summer eclipse season; remember, the mind keeps whirring while the body is in repose. For those bulls who step outside their familiar fields this year, goodwill missions to foreign places, performing good works with your herd, prove rewarding. 

TIGER (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010) Your magnetic charisma is lost on others this year, signaling a good time to relax into your reclining pose. Don’t get discouraged when a few doors shut abruptly and you hear one ‘no’ after another; take no offense, you’re simply being directed elsewhere. This taming energy urges you to slow down; center yourself and move on. While Tigers like to lead, it’s a fine time to ride shotgun and let someone else drive.  

RABBIT (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011) Humble, gracious bunnies burrowing underground benefit from their elaborate warrens. All those chambers and tunnels connect you to a vast network of support. As you put out what you are trying to attract, you draw to you what you need and accomplish more when you work together with your fluffle. The crepuscular hours, during late summer, prove the most productive for rabbits; trust your instincts. What you need is there; all you need is to ask. 

DRAGON (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012) Dazzling dragon’s supernatural powers are countered this year by the Pig’s grounding energy. In fact, the energy will feel downright snail’s pace for you dauntless, mythical creatures. Work will likely feel lackluster, which can frustrate any respectable fire-breather. While you’re not fond of taking anyone’s advice, here goes: the antidote: Keep things light and entertaining with travel particularly highlighted during  April and August; dust off those scaly wings and head to parts unknown. As you ascend, drop old baggage to lighten your load. Just remember to travel on the cheap.  

SNAKE (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013) Intelligent, sophisticated snakes would do well to remain under a rock. Use this much-needed downtime to coil up, contemplate, and create. Snakes are famous for imaging their next moves in their dreams first and striking when the timing is right (like next year, in Rat Year). Pigs can be naive and trusting, but the discerning snakes are not. Venture out when summer comes, sunbathe on a warm boulder, and absorb the sun’s vitality. Keep one eye open whilst you rest, as you will see opportunity where others don’t. Going against the crowd works for you. Next year, you’re ready to strike. 

HORSE (1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014) Chomping at the bit to stampede out of the barn, some venturesome horses may find Pig’s domestic leanings frustrating. If you can steady your environment and tidy up your stable, you clear the way toward the sweeter grass of new pastures. Balance is key for lusty horses, who share pigs’ love of all things sensual. Let the good times roll, but pull back the reins when the party goes past midnight. 

GOAT (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015) Naturally intuitive, all Goats need do this year is tune in and show up. As you graze the hillside with your tribe, trust the scent on the wind and walk right into advantageous situations. In fact, some of you Goats may be nurturing your creativity with literal pregnancies and sprucing up your home for the arrival of a brand new kid. March and November will be your best months, while September could bring a little anxiety. Just stick with your herd and all will be beautiful. 

MONKEY (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016) Nimble monkeys, you are ramblers and gamblers at heart, so you’re a bit out of sync with the slow speed of the earth Pig year. How might you place little bets to keep things interesting but not lose the jungle? Luck starts in April but know that there will be some delays. Comfortable jumping from branch to branch, Monkeys are better off waiting until spring to make their move. Planting several seeds at once, the best way to turn up one viable sprout. The end of the year is the best time for your big reveal. 

ROOSTER (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017) Confident cocks and hopeful hens, finish unfinished business before you strut ahead. This is a yin (or passive) year, all about focusing on health and healing. It behooves you to participate in quiet rituals like observing the rising sun instead of crowing about it all day long. Sharpen your cerebral skills with fellow Ox and Snake intellectuals, and save any petty pecking for another year—or never. As you slow your pace, sift through the seeds that aren’t worth planting. When you do take action, ask for help. Openings in the fence will appear as if by magic. 

DOG (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018) Full of energy from last year (the Year of the Dog), and with eyes and ears open, you’re ready to bravely move forward with the support of your pack. A peaceful calm washes over you as you shake off the old tail-chasing activity for something softer and more nurturing. In Pig Year, your attention and dedication turn toward family and expanding your circle of friends.

PIG (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019) Peace-loving pig, this is not the big launch year; instead, organize and finalize. You’re at the end of a 12-year cycle. Catch up on the Marie Kondo series, and get rid of any things (or people) that aren’t supporting you, particularly in May when you’ll need to lay low. Doing so will give you energy, helping you to emerge from this year stronger than ever, finding yourself closer to that proverbial hog heaven. Some boars could inherit or sniff out a helpful reserve of cash. Don’t blow it on a party (you do love to cook and entertain) instead, invest in yourself. Perhaps a yoga retreat to Bali.

*Remember that Chinese new year begins around the first week of February (not on January 1st as in the Western calendar); if you were born in late January or early February of your birth year, check online to see if the animal sign of the previous year is, in fact, your Chinese animal totem.

*Lisa Awrey and Lisa Carroll

illustration by @boccaccinimeadows


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2019 Ushers in a Season of Fresh Starts https://sunbasket.com/blog/sun-signs-january-2019/ Fri, 21 Dec 2018 20:21:20 +0000 https://sunbasket.com/blog/sun-signs-january-2019/ Sun Signs, Sun Basket's monthly horoscope column by Lisa Lisa and the Star Jam, reveals your January 2019 astrology.

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After a year riddled by retrograde planets and progress meted out in fits and starts, all the planets will be direct (moving forward) right after the new moon on the 5th and, minus a few speed bumps, all systems should be go. A second eclipse on the 20th, a total lunar and super full moon, packs an emotional punch, bookending a chapter-turning month of powerful beginnings and endings. Out with the old and in with the new, indeed. 

By Lisa Lisa and the Star Jam*

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) Like Michelangelo, goats have been methodically chiseling away the superfluous material from their own marble block for the past decade. With a bunch of planets, joined by a new moon and a solar eclipse in your sign, you begin the year with a bonafide rebirth. Whether you change the font on your business card, test drive a new look, or sculpt yourself a new body, you’re ready to reveal a fresh form. Your relationships take on new shape as well. This is no small feat, so as you put the final touches on your creation, apply a little tenderness. Toward the end of the month, take stock of how you feel about what you’ve accomplished. As you go within, you’re aware of divine protection that has been guiding you throughout the process. 

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18) Before you put the key in the ignition and go, take a breath. For Waterbears, the year starts with all the buzz behind the scenes. The astrological omens coax you to take time out and turn your attention to metaphysical and emotional healing. Securing peace within prepares you to release old ways of being in relationships, and the lunar eclipse later in the month makes way for unattached Aquarians to open up to a new type of partner. By the end of the month, your personal new year begins with a fresh you and vision financially. All the while, you’re motivated to network, study, and expand your social circle. Like any self-respecting Aquarius, you think your way into a radical new version of yourself.   

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20) With a line up of planets in your house of friends, groups, and objectives, opportunities abound to manifest your wildest dreams. Real fish swim in schools and, this month, you would do well do so, too. Wait, there’s more: the good news planets meet up in your career domain; you’re in demand and effortlessly attract what you love. Meanwhile, you’re stoked to take the lead around finances and keen to make money. Later in the month, the lunar eclipse presses the reset button around your health and habits, highlighting what you need to do or release to sustain your body long term. At the end of the month, slip away and take time to daydream; that’s when Pisces visions can take shape.

ARIES (Mar 21-April 19) Like a man shot out of a cannon, the new year catapults you forward. Action planet Mars, your ruler, is in your sign all month, and you’re revved to get moving and go, go, go. Set priorities around your career. Write them down. If you don’t like what you’re doing, there’s plenty of cosmic energy available to change direction. You’re at a crucial crossroads that calls for authenticity and being comfortable in your own skin at work. Lucky planets, Venus and Jupiter, pile up in your wild blue yonder house, beckoning you to take off for parts unknown; and a lunar eclipse near the end of the month illuminates that which brings you joy and urges you to explore your fun-tier. 

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Bulls like to hang out in familiar pastures. But come the new year, resolve to venture further afield. Try travel, spiritual pursuits, or learning a language – all can offer a different perspective on your own backyard. With so much activity buzzing in your house of long-distance travel and wisdom, stretching your boundaries opens up opportunities for growth. During the first week of the year, Venus, your ruler, still sizzles in your partnership house, ringing in the year on a harmonious note and making New Year’s ripe for a romantic date. Then the planet of love and money joins lucky Jupiter in your house of shared resources, inspiring others to fund you; and you’re flush to pay off debt or invest in ethical ventures. The lunar eclipse toward the end of the month could point you in a new direction professionally.  

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Outwardly, Twins’ energy lights on their social life this month. Collaboration sparks new connections and inspires breakthroughs. But with much of the planetary energy stacked in the hidden realms—of transformation and other people’s money—Twins take a deep dive into their inner world. Mysteries and metaphysics may capture some’s fickle fancies, while others might receive an inheritance or insurance settlement, and still, others might hook up with a business partner that may prove fruitful in the coming months. Meanwhile, Venus and Jupiter join forces in your partnership house, where love or a deepening of an existing relationship is in the air. Twins often balk at being tied down, but this month (all year, really) they’re more likely fans of commitment. Later, the lunar eclipse shines on changes you’d like to see in your community and make around the way you communicate. Yes, even you could improve in this capacity. 

CANCER (June 21-July 22) A focus on relationships sets the tone for the better part of the year. Sometimes co-dependent, Crabs tend to hold onto the past, but a fresh start with someone new, or a reboot around an existing partnership, helps you draw the line with people who drain you. It’s easy to get overstimulated or pulled in opposite directions at this time of year, so make sure to get plenty of rest, take care of yourself, and guard against stress. Fortunately, Jupiter and Venus grace your house of health and work this month, which helps bring balance to your daily rhythms. An emotionally charged lunar eclipse in your money house near the end of the month brings things to a head around your finances. An income stream may suddenly dry up, a new one materializes, or you find yourself a business partner. All the while, action planet Mars, and Uranus the great liberator, run interference in your career house, spurring you to take the lead and take a risk. Our money’s on Crabs making a breakthrough.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Lions can expect at a busy year. In preparation, the cosmic omens call for some adjustments around your health and daily habits. A new diet or exercise program may be in order to revitalize and strengthen your body to keep pace with the new year. Changes in the workplace may also alter a routine-turned rut; and being a fixed sign, Leo doesn’t shift so easily. Thankfully, a friendly jolt of enthusiasm from Jolly Jupiter stokes your ambition and helps you readjust. Both Venus and Jupiter are at your service this month, bumping up your creativity, maybe causing a late-blooming talent to emerge, and you’re back in business. Having this lucky pair in your house of love and romance also could cause a lion’s heart to beat a little faster.   

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22) A planetary party in your fun house paves the way for you to express yourself and find your joy as the new year unfolds. Resolutions and setting intentions are fine ways to kick off a new calendar year, but for Virgos it’s less about planning your future and more about finding pleasure in it. You may feel drawn to sprucing up your home; the more comfortable and ample your environment, the more likely you are to relax and enjoy yourself. As an earth sign, Virgo is attuned to the body and its physical surroundings. Boosting your creature comforts with beauty and ease helps you embody the pleasure principle. Later in the month, focus on your health and healing; when your cup is full, give back and go volunteer. 

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22) Much of Libra’s famous balance stems from the homefront this year. A cluster of planets in your house of home and family brings you down to earth, anchoring your social gifts, and granting you a degree of comfort. With love goddess Venus, your ruler, and lucky Jupiter both in your house of communications and community, you’re primed to learn something new, churn out harmonious messages, and are likely to meet someone in a class. By month’s end, you find yourself bringing more fun to the dating game and feeling more relaxed. All month, you’re proactive around relationships in general. At the lunar eclipse, you may loosen ties with friends who no longer resonate and find your true allies. 

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21) The cosmic omens beckon you to consider how you communicate. Mastering a new skill, centering your mind and noticing when your phone is distracting you become turning points in building your power this year. This month, good-press planets Venus and Jupiter grace your money house, sharing good vibes around starting a new business or creating another income stream. Want to manifest abundance this year? You can (or at least have the potential to) earn more. With the lunar eclipse and supermoon happening in your career house toward the end of the month, it may be time to make a change; and a newly-minted communications skill or connection could be just what’s needed to lead you in a different direction. Throughout January, you’re driven to start an innovative exercise regimen to sustain your future health. At the end of the month, you make room for family. 

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21) With your ruler Jupiter and lovely Venus focusing their good fortune on you, you’re feeling and looking good. Popular, at peace, and in harmony with yourself—what better way to start off the year? A pack of planets and a solar eclipse in your money house amplify the need for a reset around your finances. All this energy directed from earthy Capricorn demands grounding and insists good-time Sages get down to business. A serious look at earnings and taxes and a plan for leveraging your skills to get in the black is in order. The lunar eclipse near the end of the month inspires you to travel, explore, learn a new language, or publish that manuscript. Whenever Sages lose direction or get bogged down they should grab their credit card and book tickets. But to start off this year on the right foot, make sure you have enough cash to cover the airfare.  

If you know your rising sign, read that, too; it’s often relevant. 

*Lisa Awrey and Lisa Carroll

illustration by @boccaccinimeadows


The post 2019 Ushers in a Season of Fresh Starts appeared first on Sunbasket.

2018 Ends on a High Note as Adventurous Jupiter Comes Home for the Holidays https://sunbasket.com/blog/sun-signs-december-2018-2/ Wed, 28 Nov 2018 20:29:17 +0000 https://sunbasket.com/blog/sun-signs-december-2018-2/ Sun Signs, Sun Basket's monthly horoscope column by Lisa Lisa and the Star Jam, unfolds December 2018 astrology.

The post 2018 Ends on a High Note as Adventurous Jupiter Comes Home for the Holidays appeared first on Sunbasket.

The planet of luck and largess returns to its own sign, Sagittarius, where it will stay for the next 12 months. That means the quest is on as Jolly ol’ Jupiter lights up the house where you’re most inclined to welcome the call of adventure. Move forward with confidence and consider just what adventure you want to embark on. In any event, it’s cause for celebration.

By Lisa Lisa and the Star Jam*

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21) Venus, the Goddess of love, and Mercury, the fleet-footed messenger, have crossed paths, exchanging information about what’s worthy of your arrow’s aim. Good tidings are in the wind along with this intel. The question for Archers remains: what quest or experience will you set your sights on? Pro tip: The bigger the better. Your ruler, Jupiter—the good luck planet—provides a warm thermal beneath your wings, ready to lift you up and over the hurdles that have been holding you back. The phrase “the sky’s the limit” comes to mind. A burst of energy the last week of the month fuels whatever endeavor you choose.  

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) All the fresh connections you made while Venus was revisiting the underworld this fall come back, perhaps in spectral form. Don’t be surprised if this holiday season ushers in a few visitations from ghosts of Christmas’s past. Don’t be afraid – instead use their rattling as an opportunity for insight. Delving deeper into a meditation practice sharpens your manifesting abilities. All these machinations under the hood are preparing you for a big reveal coming next year that could set you up financially for years to come. By month’s end, you’re stoked to broadcast a powerful message you’ve been working on, one that could change everything.  

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18) It’s been said of Aquarians that while you’re all about humanity, it’s people you can’t stand. Maybe it’s time to focus on the positive. With the planet of opportunity in your house of friends and groups, you’re going to do more than just get by with a little help from your friends. People are where it’s at. You’re poised to be carried on a jet stream powered by community. Meanwhile, the astrological omens towards the end of the month move you to flex your financial muscles and transform your career in a way that’s bound to bump up your income and status, too. Expect an exciting shake-up in your daily routine, anything from a new exercise regimen or diet to suddenly moving to a whole new place. 

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20) You’ve reviewed your philosophy and learned just about all there is to learn from your studies and travels. With your co-ruler, lucky Jupiter, and a new moon (on the 7th) bringing fresh opportunities to your career house, you’re lit up like a Christmas tree. It’s time to take that act on the road. By the end of the month, you’ve got energy to burn, so gear up for the latest fitness craze; and don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of energy left after your workout to channel towards transmuting your goals to align with your passion. Finally, take a trip during the holidays. The journey just might turn up a surprise romance. 

ARIES (Mar 21-April 19) You’ve made a new investment and you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and work the long haul. It’s all good news as the heavens are in full support and bring you energy to tackle big projects (especially toward the end of the month) that may have seemed daunting just a few weeks ago. Stamina is your new middle name. Use your deepest skills of negotiation when working with others and don’t worry if you feel you need to prove yourself, you warriors are built for that. There really is something about this new investment that’s going to expand your consciousness. Either that or get you published. 

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Following a thorough examination of your closest relationships, a new perspective on intimacy positions you for an expansion in the realm of shared resources. By putting a value on the intangibles that feed your soul, rather than material things, you can effortlessly shift the debate about what’s theirs versus what’s yours and instead, attract abundance. One caution to heed: don’t get too wrapped up in other people’s problems. This shouldn’t be an issue, Bull’s are deft at avoiding unpleasantries and people they don’t like. You’re reimagining yourself and, come spring, even your biggest fans will be surprised. 

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) The goddess of romance just passed a note to your chief correspondent, Mercury, sending a clear message that all you’ve gleaned about love in the last few weeks (years really) has forged your heart into a golden vessel that’s ready to hold the real thing. Perhaps you’ve spent the last few weeks running into old paramours, revisiting some comforting yet outgrown ground and now the universe is rolling in a wave of fresh prospects or, for attached Twins, the strengthening of a committed partnership. In any case, it looks like love is headed your way. In addition to retiring from the Lonely Hearts Club, you’re likely to see a boost in your income. Hello, holiday bonus!

CANCER (June 21-July 22) With the planet of luck and opportunity visiting your house of health and habits, the terrain of your day-to-day life is shifting to support a healthier, happier lifestyle. If you’ve been thinking about recommitting to an exercise program, December is your month to get a jump on that New Years resolution. With a powerful surge of energy propelling you, you’re feeling and looking good all around, making the holiday season a great time to socialize and enjoy your family and friends. Go ahead, Crabs, deck the halls with extra glitter. 

LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Now that you’ve spruced up your place and made your castle worthy of well, you know, a king or queen, you’re ready for company. A flawless host, you should consider hosting a holiday party. Who knows what creative electricity it may stimulate! With Jupiter, the planet of plenty galavanting through your house of self-expression and romance for the next year or so, expect an uptick in suitors as well as creative output. It’s time you took your paints off the shelf. Meanwhile, as you drift off to sleep, don’t discount any sugar-plum fairies flashing insights from behind the curtain of consciousness. While it won’t hurt to start now, particularly toward the end of the month, keep pen and paper by your bedside to ensure you don’t miss any unexpected dreamtime dispatches. 

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22) Now that you’ve proofed and reproofed the manuscript, it’s time to turn your skills of improvement to your environment. Jolly Jupiter has moved into your house of home and family and he’s encouraging you to fix it up and add your personal flair to the details. Whether that means moving to bigger, better digs or adding on to the ones you have, the stars are aligned for you to expand your living arrangements or perhaps your family. Later in the month, you may suddenly close a door on a friendship or group that no longer jives with your changing beliefs. This makes room for a new relationship you’re forging with your local dream team.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22) Your social charms and charisma sizzle this month. Call a meeting, apply for a job! With that silver tongue, you’re able to convince anybody to do whatever you want. You’re brimming with creative ideas, connecting with new people, and testing out attitudes that could lead to pleasant surprises in your career, finances, or love life. At the end of the month, when the pressure is on, it may feel like people block your path. Employ your natural tact and diplomacy; you could write the chapter on picking your battles so listen to your own wisdom now.  

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21) It’s subtle, but you’re sporting a new look and feel. Now, you’re ready to wrap your mind around increasing your value, literally. With the planet of more-is-better in your money house (where it’ll be for the next year) you’re primed for a considerable pay bump. If you’re not working, it’s an optimum time to find a job that pays what you’re worth. Recently, you’ve done some work on this and here comes the opportunity to ask for it. Meanwhile, the year closes out on a creative surge of energy that gives you the confidence you need to take on a major project. Channel any power surplus into something physical, like hatha yoga. Take it one step further and join a class in your community. This simple practice could change not just your body, but your whole being.

If you know your rising sign, read that, too; it’s often relevant. 

*Lisa Awrey and Lisa Carroll

illustration by @boccaccinimeadows


The post 2018 Ends on a High Note as Adventurous Jupiter Comes Home for the Holidays appeared first on Sunbasket.

2018 Ends on a High Note as Adventurous Jupiter Comes Home for the Holidays https://sunbasket.com/blog/sun-signs-december-2018/ Wed, 28 Nov 2018 20:29:17 +0000 https://sunbasket.com/blog/sun-signs-december-2018/ Sun Signs, Sun Basket's monthly horoscope column by Lisa Lisa and the Star Jam, unfolds December 2018 astrology.

The post 2018 Ends on a High Note as Adventurous Jupiter Comes Home for the Holidays appeared first on Sunbasket.

The planet of luck and largess returns to its own sign, Sagittarius, where it will stay for the next 12 months. That means the quest is on as Jolly ol’ Jupiter lights up the house where you’re most inclined to welcome the call of adventure. Move forward with confidence and consider just what adventure you want to embark on. In any event, it’s cause for celebration.

By Lisa Lisa and the Star Jam*

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21) Venus, the Goddess of love, and Mercury, the fleet-footed messenger, have crossed paths, exchanging information about what’s worthy of your arrow’s aim. Good tidings are in the wind along with this intel. The question for Archers remains: what quest or experience will you set your sights on? Pro tip: The bigger the better. Your ruler, Jupiter—the good luck planet—provides a warm thermal beneath your wings, ready to lift you up and over the hurdles that have been holding you back. The phrase “the sky’s the limit” comes to mind. A burst of energy the last week of the month fuels whatever endeavor you choose.  

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) All the fresh connections you made while Venus was revisiting the underworld this fall come back, perhaps in spectral form. Don’t be surprised if this holiday season ushers in a few visitations from ghosts of Christmas’s past. Don’t be afraid – instead use their rattling as an opportunity for insight. Delving deeper into a meditation practice sharpens your manifesting abilities. All these machinations under the hood are preparing you for a big reveal coming next year that could set you up financially for years to come. By month’s end, you’re stoked to broadcast a powerful message you’ve been working on, one that could change everything.  

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18) It’s been said of Aquarians that while you’re all about humanity, it’s people you can’t stand. Maybe it’s time to focus on the positive. With the planet of opportunity in your house of friends and groups, you’re going to do more than just get by with a little help from your friends. People are where it’s at. You’re poised to be carried on a jet stream powered by community. Meanwhile, the astrological omens towards the end of the month move you to flex your financial muscles and transform your career in a way that’s bound to bump up your income and status, too. Expect an exciting shake-up in your daily routine, anything from a new exercise regimen or diet to suddenly moving to a whole new place. 

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20) You’ve reviewed your philosophy and learned just about all there is to learn from your studies and travels. With your co-ruler, lucky Jupiter, and a new moon (on the 7th) bringing fresh opportunities to your career house, you’re lit up like a Christmas tree. It’s time to take that act on the road. By the end of the month, you’ve got energy to burn, so gear up for the latest fitness craze; and don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of energy left after your workout to channel towards transmuting your goals to align with your passion. Finally, take a trip during the holidays. The journey just might turn up a surprise romance. 

ARIES (Mar 21-April 19) You’ve made a new investment and you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and work the long haul. It’s all good news as the heavens are in full support and bring you energy to tackle big projects (especially toward the end of the month) that may have seemed daunting just a few weeks ago. Stamina is your new middle name. Use your deepest skills of negotiation when working with others and don’t worry if you feel you need to prove yourself, you warriors are built for that. There really is something about this new investment that’s going to expand your consciousness. Either that or get you published. 

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Following a thorough examination of your closest relationships, a new perspective on intimacy positions you for an expansion in the realm of shared resources. By putting a value on the intangibles that feed your soul, rather than material things, you can effortlessly shift the debate about what’s theirs versus what’s yours and instead, attract abundance. One caution to heed: don’t get too wrapped up in other people’s problems. This shouldn’t be an issue, Bull’s are deft at avoiding unpleasantries and people they don’t like. You’re reimagining yourself and, come spring, even your biggest fans will be surprised. 

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) The goddess of romance just passed a note to your chief correspondent, Mercury, sending a clear message that all you’ve gleaned about love in the last few weeks (years really) has forged your heart into a golden vessel that’s ready to hold the real thing. Perhaps you’ve spent the last few weeks running into old paramours, revisiting some comforting yet outgrown ground and now the universe is rolling in a wave of fresh prospects or, for attached Twins, the strengthening of a committed partnership. In any case, it looks like love is headed your way. In addition to retiring from the Lonely Hearts Club, you’re likely to see a boost in your income. Hello, holiday bonus!

CANCER (June 21-July 22) With the planet of luck and opportunity visiting your house of health and habits, the terrain of your day-to-day life is shifting to support a healthier, happier lifestyle. If you’ve been thinking about recommitting to an exercise program, December is your month to get a jump on that New Years resolution. With a powerful surge of energy propelling you, you’re feeling and looking good all around, making the holiday season a great time to socialize and enjoy your family and friends. Go ahead, Crabs, deck the halls with extra glitter. 

LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Now that you’ve spruced up your place and made your castle worthy of well, you know, a king or queen, you’re ready for company. A flawless host, you should consider hosting a holiday party. Who knows what creative electricity it may stimulate! With Jupiter, the planet of plenty galavanting through your house of self-expression and romance for the next year or so, expect an uptick in suitors as well as creative output. It’s time you took your paints off the shelf. Meanwhile, as you drift off to sleep, don’t discount any sugar-plum fairies flashing insights from behind the curtain of consciousness. While it won’t hurt to start now, particularly toward the end of the month, keep pen and paper by your bedside to ensure you don’t miss any unexpected dreamtime dispatches. 

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22) Now that you’ve proofed and reproofed the manuscript, it’s time to turn your skills of improvement to your environment. Jolly Jupiter has moved into your house of home and family and he’s encouraging you to fix it up and add your personal flair to the details. Whether that means moving to bigger, better digs or adding on to the ones you have, the stars are aligned for you to expand your living arrangements or perhaps your family. Later in the month, you may suddenly close a door on a friendship or group that no longer jives with your changing beliefs. This makes room for a new relationship you’re forging with your local dream team.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22) Your social charms and charisma sizzle this month. Call a meeting, apply for a job! With that silver tongue, you’re able to convince anybody to do whatever you want. You’re brimming with creative ideas, connecting with new people, and testing out attitudes that could lead to pleasant surprises in your career, finances, or love life. At the end of the month, when the pressure is on, it may feel like people block your path. Employ your natural tact and diplomacy; you could write the chapter on picking your battles so listen to your own wisdom now.  

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21) It’s subtle, but you’re sporting a new look and feel. Now, you’re ready to wrap your mind around increasing your value, literally. With the planet of more-is-better in your money house (where it’ll be for the next year) you’re primed for a considerable pay bump. If you’re not working, it’s an optimum time to find a job that pays what you’re worth. Recently, you’ve done some work on this and here comes the opportunity to ask for it. Meanwhile, the year closes out on a creative surge of energy that gives you the confidence you need to take on a major project. Channel any power surplus into something physical, like hatha yoga. Take it one step further and join a class in your community. This simple practice could change not just your body, but your whole being.

If you know your rising sign, read that, too; it’s often relevant. 

*Lisa Awrey and Lisa Carroll

illustration by @boccaccinimeadows


The post 2018 Ends on a High Note as Adventurous Jupiter Comes Home for the Holidays appeared first on Sunbasket.

The Goddess of Love Emerges from the Underworld to Reveal a Total Eclipse of the Heart. https://sunbasket.com/blog/sun-signs-november-2018/ Wed, 31 Oct 2018 18:39:36 +0000 https://sunbasket.com/blog/sun-signs-november-2018/ Lisa Lisa and the Star Jam, aka Lisa Awrey and Lisa Carroll, look to the stars to see what lies ahead for November 2018.

The post The Goddess of Love Emerges from the Underworld to Reveal a Total Eclipse of the Heart. appeared first on Sunbasket.

With Venus emerging from the underworld on the 16th and passing the retrograde baton to Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, we now have the opportunity to review with a cool intellect all that we’ve uncovered from the recesses of our value systems vaults. Now that we’re more clear on what’s most important to us, we can plan accordingly and chart the course of our love lives and financial futures with confidence—boosted by Jupiter, the planet of faith and luck, moving into its own sign, Sagittarius, where it will reside for the next year. 

By Lisa Lisa and the Star Jam*

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21) On the heels of an upbeat year where you experienced a lot of personal growth, Scorpio, you’re poised for a beautiful new start. Polishing your self-image is one way to position yourself for the fresh chapter opening up around your finances. Your self-confidence is justifiably high, and it’s time to ask for what you’re worth. As Jupiter moves into your money house, don’t be afraid to think big. Create your abundant future by rewriting your business plan. Start with the mission statement and aim for the sky.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21) This month begins a year of massive expansion for all you centaurs. With Jupiter, your ruler, moving into your sign on the 9th (where it will be for the next year), you’re stepping onto the mountaintop with alphorn in hand. You’ve got big things to say and the collective needs to hear it. Have faith. Luck truly is on your side as long as you remember to blow on the dice before you throw them; and when you do, infuse your breath with the positive intention.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) Lonely goats have been gleaning a good lesson on the benefits of the herd. Now that you’ve built your team, you’re ready to get down to work. While you’re not quite ready to manifest your vision yet, you’re in the right place to strategize. Don’t underestimate the power of your unconscious. Over the next year, it may be the source of a wealth of ideas. Recording those hazy thoughts between sleep and waking could help you tap into the motherlode.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18) Now that you’ve made some headway careerwise, you’re feeling confident and ready to see who you want to climb to the next wrung with. Wade into the river and find out whose values jive with yours. Luckily, in the coming year, there’ll be plenty of partners to choose from. Setting a new career goal will help you pivot in the direction of the right people. An endgame that benefits the many, rather than the few, is key. And the more elegant and balanced the endeavor the better. We’re counting on your beautiful minds, Water-bearers. How will you imagine the brightest, wildest future for all of us?  

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20) Reviewing your beliefs lines you up for the biggest career boost you’ve had yet. While your motor can run for years, as yours has, on the fuel of instinct and talent, here’s what we are thinking for you now: Use the month of November to dig into the concrete practice of writing a roadmap. Then, run it by your trusted inner circle. Next, refine it. By the time December rolls around, you’ll have literally written your own ticket out of whatever dead-ends have been bringing you down. All this forethought will help you to not jump too soon, as some slippery fishes are apt to do. You, of all the signs, know that time is just a construct. 

ARIES (Mar 21-April 19) Slow down, you’re moving too fast. Shift gears in order to peer into your dream world. As you do, you discover a reservoir of somewhat unfamiliar symbols. There are riches there that can assist you in your career. Though it seems like a conundrum, suspend your urge for action now. By standing still, you uncover fresh resources that could support your wanderlust. Soon, the world will open up bigger than you’ve known it before. Book your airline tickets and set off to parts unknown, enroll in a program to expand your education, or get that manuscript in good shape for publishing. Whatever you choose, you’re laying the groundwork for your next career move. 

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) By mid-month Venus, your ruler, is back on track. And single Bulls may be ready to start a new relationship or reap the benefits of a fresh perspective on what they’re looking for in a partner. Having a clearer picture of what you want helps tip the balance of the laws of attraction in your favor, and sets you up for a boom cycle in all aspects of wealth management. Create a kickass proposal and watch as the money pours in. Bulls, you’re ripe for a year of expanding your resources and building your own field of dreams. 

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) You’ve been running at a fast pace for weeks now, catching up to the new life you’re suddenly living. You’ve done it, Twins. You’ve navigated the unexpected losses and are in the home stretch. A full moon in your sign toward the end of the month shines a light on your freshly minted image while Mercury, your ruler, shifts into reverse. It’s your cue to take a breather and look back at the ground you’ve covered and new roles you’ve stepped into. Meanwhile, lucky planet Jupiter is about to make the rounds of your relationship house and at the same time, Venus, the planet of love, is taking a second spin in your house of romance. Hmmm, you do the math. A word to the wise, you’ll have so many suitors to choose from, there’s no harm in being picky. 

CANCER (June 21-July 22) The creative fire that’s been burning in Crabs for the last year is about to combust. Fresh ideas fuel future projects that inspire imagination and attract financial backing. You’re channeling your love of home, family, and roots into big projects that have the potential to improve the way we live. This is not a pipe dream. Your expertise and careful planning are the DNA that informs every project you conceive. The world needs your genius now.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Fresh beginnings on the homefront allow Leos the security and lifestyle they need to flourish. Make your plan first, dot your Is and cross your Ts, double check your grammar, and then gather your audience. You’re more ready to shine than ever before. Whatever you do, Lions, do it big. But be discerning with your words; your usual M.O. of shooting from the hip and going off script will not work. The key is to be well-prepared for the speech of your life. 

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22) Summer is over, and you now find yourself back at work where you belong. This sets you up well for Mercury, your ruler, which starts to backpedal mid-month. With a new moon in your communications house, you’ve got a new lease on what you have to say. Keep writing it all down and refine your message before you roll it out. Meanwhile, the planet of luck and expansion moves into your house of home and hearth. Keep in mind that the home you’re building is more of a compound to contain the things that most concern you. If you’re an artist, think retreat center.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22) Now that Venus, your ruler, is about to gracefully step forward, we hope you’ve regained your faith in not just love, but in yourself. Maybe it’s time for you to host the spirit of love on a local level by speaking your mind from the heart. You just might uncover a resource a few doors down, no driving required. Dear Libras, it’s exciting to consider the astrological omens that are suggesting that you’re about to embark on a new, rich relationship with money. When the cash rolls in, send us a check, love.

If you know your rising sign, read that, too; it’s often more relevant. 

*Lisa Awrey and Lisa Carroll


illustration by @boccaccinimeadows


The post The Goddess of Love Emerges from the Underworld to Reveal a Total Eclipse of the Heart. appeared first on Sunbasket.
